Floscularia janus Hudson, 1881
Floscularia janus; the adult lives in a tube made out of detritus pills. In contrast to Floscularia ringens the pills are bigger and not as regularly orientated. The four-lobed corona (only two lobes are visble in this image) is notched anteriorly (arrow), which is in contrast to Ptygura pilula. (1)
Floscularia janus; lateral view, optical transect of the anterior part; the dorsal side is left, the ventral side is right. Co1: anterior (upper) part of the four-lobed corona; Co2: posterior (lower) part of the four-lobed corona; DA: dorsal antenna; GV: germovetellarium; La: labium: Mo: mouth opening; the asterisk * points to the buccal velum; Mx: mastax; SL: sublabium; St: stomach.
Floscularia janus; lateral view, optical transect of the anterior part; the dorsal side is left, the ventral side is right. Slightly different focus plane as above, showing one of the the (lateral) ventral antennae.
Floscularia janus; retracted specimen slowly creeping out of the tube. Visible are the dorsal (DA) and ventral (VA) antennae.
Floscularia janus, focus plane on the lateral antennae (arrows).
Floscularia janus; two aspects of the malleoramate trophi, different focus planes. upper image: focus plane on the rami (Ra) and manubria (Ma); lower image; focus on unci (Un). Fu: fulcrum.
Location: Nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer; Germany; Großes Heiliges Meer
Habitat: epibiontic on the submerged leafs of Ranunculus circinatus.
Date: coll: 28.04.20119, img: 30.04.2019.
freshwater life
marine life